ISTE is a Family Reunion

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We are family!
I feel the best part of attending ISTE is getting the chance to meet face to face with members of my PLN.  Twitter enables us to initially meet online.  By tweeting we get a chance to share our joys and sorrows with one another. Having the opportunity to actually see who I have been communicating with online makes ISTE priceless.  I value each and every member of my Twitter family.
One of the major problems of having so many followers is that I may not know exactly who you are. Please do not be afraid to introduce yourself to me.  I really enjoy meeting my PLN.  I will never forget at an edcamp when one of my followers seeing me asked if I gave hugs.  I also get “you are not as tall as I expected!”  Okay I never hit six feet.  In fact at one point I was 5’ 9” but age, children, grandchildren has shrunk me a little.
I want to thank each and everyone of my PLN.  #YouMatter to me.
I would also love the opportunity to personally thank one of my PLN members who has made it possible for me to attend ISTE.  I am so grateful for your generosity. 
 vicki angela debm  Engaging  nick shannon 
 And yes, I do greatgroupgive hugs. 

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