I am inspired and you can be too!

The motto for this year’s #tcea14 Convention & Exposition was “Get “Inspired.”  There are so many ways that you can get inspired.

During the past few weeks I attended some outstanding events that not only engaged me but re-energized me.  I met so many of my PLN that it would be impossible to list all of them.  I love you all and appreciate you.  #youmatter a lot to me.

#FETC14  – Florida

I only had the opportunity to spend one day at #FETC14 but it sure was jam packed with great experiences:

I took part in a fun app session delivered by @adambellow @kathyshrock @lesliefisher and @HallDavidson. Attend stimulating sessions at conferences or go to an edcamp where you can share what works with your students or learn from others.

I was fortunate to join @tomwhitby and @adambellow for a luncheon conversation.  Then we bumped into @rushtonh and I was able to have an enjoyable talk with him. Spend time with your PLN.  It is incredible the sharing and learning that takes place in these informal get togethers.


I really enjoyed hanging out with my fellow #edchat moderators: @blairteach @kylepace @tomwhitby and archivist @jswiatek. Educational chats on Twitter are great opportunities for professional learning.  Take advantage of the incredible chats available.

The extremely well attended TweetUp gave me a chance to meet so many of my PLN.  It was nice to renew acquaintances and make new ones with great educators like @s_bearden @kristenswanson and @thomascmurray.

#TCEA14 – Texas

@tomwhitby and I had a fantastic time during #tcea14 and it was really special when we tweeted side by side while moderating Tuesday evening’s #edchat on: What would be the effect of building collaboration and reflection time into your work schedule?

Take part in chats and build your PLN.  Share your thoughts and learn how others feel.

@kenroyal  I definitely got the royal treatment from Ken who introduced me to so many of his friends in education.   It was so much fun hanging out with him.  It is amazing the connections that you make as you build a Twitter or Social Media Family.

@myclassflow Learned about this interactive lesson planning method that will engage students. Attending sessions gives you to opportunity to see first-hand technology that can help deliver your lessons.

I had a fantastic barbecue dinner with @PaulRWood, @shannonmiller, @TomWhitby, @woscholar et al. was nourishing for body and mind.  It is amazing when educators get together and then discuss intellectual topics that stretch the mind.

EdTech Karoke was a wonderful opportunity to let your hair down and enjoy yourself.  Always enjoy talking with my buddy @kevinhoneycutt. Once again I came across @stevedembo and we both stated that some day we would have to just sit down and talk.  Having fun and learning is great for us and our students.


I was honored to address the LIB-SIG group thank you @_MichelleCooper. The message to all educators should be to continue to do what you are doing but embrace technology and listen to #stuvoice.

Conferences and edcamps are invaluable as you get a chance to meet members of your PLN (Personal Learning Network) like @mattBgomez  @djakes @duncanbilingual @ipadSammy @RafranzDavis @TechNinjaTodd to discuss educational topics in person, groups or during sessions.  It is now wonderful that you can go to meetings and actually know people as a result of your being a connected educator.

Tuskegee Airmen at Fantasy of Flight – Florida

Thanks to @DennisDill and @MLMRobertson  I was able to accompany their students to a special presentation by three Tuskegee Airmen at the Fantasy of Flight.  These gentlemen gave an outstanding session explaining the struggles they faced and how they triumphed.  It was wonderful that they encouraged the students attending to get a good education and work hard.  My tweets caught the attention of @DianaLRendina who was attending the same presentation with her class.  It is always nice to meet members of my PLN.  Great also to connect with @KKStephens82 the Operations Manager of @fantasyofflight Take advantage of such learning opportunity field trips in person or virtually.

Take part in activities that will inspire you don’t wait for them to come to you.


4 thoughts on “I am inspired and you can be too!

  1. Thanks Jerry for being a part of our Field Trip and really inspiring me to be a better teacher. My kids really enjoyed having you with us.

    Fantasy of Flight was such a great experience … the kids are still talking about the experience and how the Airmen were straight shooters.

    Thanks again for being awesome.

    • It is I who should thank you for an outstanding adventure. The Tuskegee Airmen presentation was wonderful and I felt it was excellent for all the students in attendance. Your students were wonderful.
      Thanks again for having me come with your students.

  2. Meant it too. I consider it a major gap in my PLN that I haven’t had the chance to spend more meaningful time with you.


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